Bihar is considered to be one of the fastest growing states in the country. Patna, its capital city is one of the oldest cities in the world where a large number of people have made their home. The typical tier II city is also one of the oldest centers of higher education in India. It must be noted that Patna University was founded in 1917!
Even while the state and the city to be specific, has an envious past, it rates considerably low on various development indicators - low literacy rate being one of them. Poverty, along with limited livelihood and education opportunities contribute in perpetuating the issue of low literacy level in the state.
Towards developing 'inclusive' education implies education in 'neighborhood' schools, that children from different backgrounds and with varying interests and ability will achieve their highest potential if they study in a shared classroom environment. The idea of inclusive schooling is also consistent with Constitutional values and ideals, especially with the ideals of fraternity, social justice and equality of opportunity. For children of socio-economically weaker backgrounds to feel at home in private schools, it is necessary that they form a substantial proportion or critical mass in the class they join. In Bihar it has been extended from neighboring community.
Areas that needs to be address to make positive changes are:
1. Filling the information gap:Mass awareness campaign through IEC (poster, pamphlets), street plays with communities and schools on the provisions of Section 12(1)(c) of the RTE Act 2009, along with mapping of neighboring community, children and schools : It may be fixed
2. Facilitating enrollments and advocacy:supporting the eligible families with the required documents, establishing support systems for schools for teaching the students of EWS/DG category, regular monitoring of the students, advocacy with concerned government departments for formulating clear guidelines and adhering to the procedures of reimbursements to the schools in a timely manner
3. Making the students school ready:Pre-enrollment bridge classes for prospective students
Operational Plan:
I. Tools and techniques to be used:With the aim of ensuring academic and social integration of children from socio-economic disadvantaged communities in unaided private schools, immediate support for enrolment of students shall be the objective of this initiative. In the longer run, the project aims to create wide acceptance among all stakeholders viz. the schools, local communities, students and policy makers/Govt. in systematic and holistic manner. That mere reserved quota would not adequately address the challenge of integration of diverse communities in unaided private schools, rather sustained efforts on the part of school management, principals, teachers and parents will be required to ensure that integrated and inclusive approach becomes a part of a routine discourse within the schools.
Following methods will be used as per context: