SANMAT Is Dedicated To Enhancing The Livelihood Of The People By Harnessing The Source Of Livelihood For Them And Making Them Realize On None But Themselves.
A journey of empowerment and inspiration This is the story of Mantia Devi. She is an example of exemplary success hailing from a village chargharwa of Barwa panchayat .She became the active member of local self-help group formed by.The training provided by the organization build her capacities and now she is the president of the local SHG Nari Mala and has 12 members in the group. She initiated a savings and credit program, as well as a program for generating income the group took loan of 1.5 lakhs out of which they have been able to repay 36,000 in a short span of time. The group conduct regular meetings, records the minutes of those meetings, practice participatory decision-making processes, and maintain a transparent accounting system. Although the women are not highly educated, many have even not gone to school Mantia Devi encourages them to review their programs by identifying weaknesses and planning solutions.
The group conduct regular meetings, records the minutes of those meetings, practice participatory decision-making processes, and maintain a transparent.